Peers Creek Frontage Road Washout Recovery

The Peers Creek Frontage Road Washout Recovery consisted of riprap bank armouring, ditching and a full road reconstruction. This project was executed to prepare for a 200-year high water mark event to protect Highway 5 and the surrounding areas.
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
November 6, 2023
Project Supervision Services

Peers Creek Frontage Road is adjacent to Highway 5, Exit 183 - Othello Interchange, approximately 12.3 km east of Hope, B.C. The project began with the removal of the existing riprap to allow for filter cloth and a new larger class riprap to be installed. As work was near the Coquihalla River, the fish timing window and sediment was monitored. Clearing and grubbing was needed as the new ditch required additional space. Finally, the existing asphalt road was removed and a fresh layer was paved.

Elevation provided Project Supervision services, including:

- Pre-Construction services: design review, constructability, and tender document review

- Construction phase services: daily project supervision, weekly progress and monthly expenditure reports, reviewing applicable contractor submissions, and providing overall quality assurance

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